Revd Dr Claire Aylward was given a very warm welcome as she was introduced as Priest-in-charge of the Grouped Parishes of Kilmore and Inch last night (Thursday 10 October).

It is Claire’s first parish charge, and she moves there from the curacy of St James’ Thorley in the Diocese of St Alban’s. Claire’s training rector, Revd Gaz Tracey, gave the address and the congregation was joined online by viewers from St James’ and around the world.

Gaz encouraged the parishes to join Claire in the adventure of following Jesus. “It won’t always be easy,” he said, “but if we stay the same, we will see the same.”

Preaching on Acts 15:1-21 Gaz offered three lessons from the text: If we are going to follow Jesus, we have to embrace the challenge of change; we have to learn to seek God together and discern God’s heart on the matter; and we have to move forward in grace and freedom, being mindful of one another.

“It will be uncomfortable, but it will be worth it,” he said.

After being introduced, Bishop David invited Claire to speak. She said that she had experienced a very clear call to Northern Ireland and sensed that the Grouped Parishes of Kilmore and Inch were entering a new season of growth and flourishing.

Supper followed the service and speeches of welcome from the Select Vestries and the minister of Kilmore Presbyterian, Revd Mark Spratt. Max Street, deputy Churchwarden from St James’ Thorley also spoke on behalf of Claire’s former parish.

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